Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Growing Up




Summer 2012

Summer 2012

         When I was little, my mom and dad would try to capture every little moment or accomplishment in my life. From losing my first tooth, to the perfect attendance record I received in 4th grade. Obviously with all these pictures from my childhood, I couldn't chose just one. I don't think there is a single picture of me that can completely describe me. Even narrowing it down to 5 was a difficult process. 
       I think that I've always been an energetic girl looking to have as much fun as possible. I've always been good at cheering people up and getting a good laugh in. I have never taken myself or life too seriously and I think that life is too short to get caught up on the little things. I think that as I've matured I've learned when it's acceptable to be silly and when it's time to be serious. I'll always be that silly girl who loves to make everybody laugh but I used to get in trouble a lot throughout elementary school for doing things that I found amusing that were considered hurtful or disrespectful. Throughout my life I have learned to filter out my thoughts and how to keep to myself. 

Emulsion Transfers

Emulsion Transfer
Emulsion Transfer on wood 
Emulsion transfer using purell hand sanitizer and canvas

Blue Sky Gallery Field Trip

What Inspired Me

There's a Girl Under There
Seymour Snaer
Trish Grantham
paper collage, acrylic, watercolor, ink, resin on panel

Natural Vision Shots